Laurie Hanna, RN, MSN, NBCR
Nationally board certified reflexologist, practicing since 2005.
Laurie fell in love with Reflexology while in the process of getting Continuing Educational Units (CEU’s) for her Advanced Practice Nursing license. Over the years she has provided educational classes on both foot and hand reflexology to Adult Education facilities, colleges and hospitals and is a trainer with the World Reflexology Foundation.
She has studied with Dr. Martine Faure-Alderson, the creator of Cranio-Sacral Therapy in Reflexology, Bill Flocco, American Academy of Reflexology, Integrating Foot, Hand and Ear Reflexology, Kristen Radden Acupoint I and II, Sally Kay, Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage (RLD) Method, Geraldine Villeneuve Structural Reflexology, Chantel Lucier, Intuitive Reiki and a number of other amazing practitioners. Laurie is the current President of the Massachusetts Reflexology Association and has been involved in supporting the education of the Reflexology profession on a national level. In 2019 Laurie received her Certification as a Clinical Aromatherapy Certified Practitioner (CCAP).
Always the student, Laurie continues to learn and study different Reflexology techniques to bring the best practices to her clients.